Why Choose Green Timber for House Frames?

Why Choose Green Timber for House Frames?

When you buy timber for a house frame, one of the key decisions you’ll need to make is whether to pick green timber or dried timber. Essentially, green timber is wood that has been cut recently and given no opportunity to age, while dried timber has been left to season, toughening up and losing some of its moisture content in the process.

Many people assume that dried timber is preferable for house frames, but this is not often the case, and here are just a few reasons why.

Easier to Cut

You’d imagine that the best framing material would be the one that’s toughest, but such thinking neglects to consider the actual building phase. Your timber will need to be cut and shaped precisely, and green oak is a lot easier to work with than seasoned timber. As such, workmanship isn’t as taxing, and labour often costs significantly less than with dried timber.

Less Expensive

It isn’t just labour costs that are going to fall when you use green timber. The cost of the timber itself should be lower because it hasn’t been seasoned. That seasoning process takes time, and the wood needs to be looked after throughout to prevent warping. Since that takes up time and resources, dried timber needs to be priced a little higher.

Easier to Source

Green timber holds an advantage in being easier to source compared to other types of timber. It is commonly available through numerous reputable timber suppliers. Additionally, green timber tends to be more budget-friendly than alternative types, making it a cost-effective choice for various projects.

Preferred by Home Builders

Green timber, chosen for house frames, holds a distinct appeal among home builders due to its remarkable malleability. This natural flexibility makes it easier to work with during the construction process, allowing for precise cuts and adjustments to fit the unique contours of a structure. Home builders often prefer green timber for its adaptability, especially when crafting intricate elements such as attic or roof trusses. The pliability of green timber not only streamlines the construction process but also facilitates the creation of customized designs, ensuring that every house frame aligns seamlessly with the architectural vision. This quality, coupled with the sustainable and eco-friendly aspects of green timber, makes it a preferred choice for builders aiming to construct not only sturdy but also uniquely designed homes.

More Durable

Is dried timber stronger than green timber? Yes. Does dried timber create stronger frames than green timber? No. That might sound odd, but what you need to learn is that green oak will shrink slightly as it ages. Designers and contractors take this into account, making sure shrinkage will draw the frame together more tightly. At the end of the day, a timber frame that has gone from green to dried will be tougher than one that started dry. In fact, seasoned oak often suffers from fissures while it is being worked because it isn’t as flexible.

Added Character

If any part of the frame is going to be exposed, you’ll be more pleased than ever that you went with green timber. You’ll be able to see your timber age from fresh and brilliant to seasoned and dark, a process that adds perceptibly to the property’s personality.

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